Heidi, Girl of the Alps was a very popular anime series released by the animation studio Zuiyo Eizo (which later became Nippon Animation) in 1974. It was directed by Isao Takahata and features scene design and layout by Hayao Miyazaki. The series is based on the Heidi children's book, which Swiss author Johanna Spyri wrote in 1880.
The Heidi anime was an extremely popular TV series in many countries all over the world, but was not dubbed in English until 2001.
The Heidi, Girl of the Alps anime has been dubbed in several languages. The TV series was able to reach major stardom in Europe, Asia, and South America where the anime was dubbed in multiple languages.The only incarnation of the Heidi series to reach the United States was an English dubbed version of the 1979 feature-length movie adaptation of the TV series, released on video in 1985. Most fans of the series in North America saw it first in other countries.
Heidi is one of several World Masterpiece Theater titles produced around the "classical children's literature period" (1974-1997), based on classic tales from around the world.
The opening credit roll was animated by Hayao Miyazaki, except for two scenes by experienced animator Yasuji Mori. Assigned to animate a ring dance of Heidi and Peter, Mori wanted to analyze a movement of two real people, so Miyazaki and animation director YĆ“ichi Kotabe did a ring dance in a parking lot next to their studio, and Mori shot them with an 8mm camera for reference.
The Heidi anime was an extremely popular TV series in many countries all over the world, but was not dubbed in English until 2001.
The Heidi, Girl of the Alps anime has been dubbed in several languages. The TV series was able to reach major stardom in Europe, Asia, and South America where the anime was dubbed in multiple languages.The only incarnation of the Heidi series to reach the United States was an English dubbed version of the 1979 feature-length movie adaptation of the TV series, released on video in 1985. Most fans of the series in North America saw it first in other countries.
Heidi is one of several World Masterpiece Theater titles produced around the "classical children's literature period" (1974-1997), based on classic tales from around the world.
The opening credit roll was animated by Hayao Miyazaki, except for two scenes by experienced animator Yasuji Mori. Assigned to animate a ring dance of Heidi and Peter, Mori wanted to analyze a movement of two real people, so Miyazaki and animation director YĆ“ichi Kotabe did a ring dance in a parking lot next to their studio, and Mori shot them with an 8mm camera for reference.
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