AD Police

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AD Police is a manga series written by Tony Takezaki and illustrated by Senno Knife, which was adapted on screen in an anime science fiction series, composed of the 12-episode long AD Police: To Serve and Protect TV series and the 3-episode long AD Police Files OVA series. AD Police is a spin-off of another anime series: Bubblegum Crisis. The AD in AD Police is short for Advanced, although there are some mistaken translations as Armored Division.

The AD Police are an elite group of highly trained and specially equipped police officers who have been formed to deal with terrorist activities and Boomer robot crimes in the city of Megatokyo. They are more heavily armed and equipped (including power armors like the K-11 and K-12) for a normal police force, but too lightly for a military organization.

The AD Police are offered a great deal of leeway in their activities, often blockading large sections of the city and causing great amounts of property damage in the course of fulfilling their duty. Despite their dedication to their jobs, however, the citizens of Megatokyo tend to dislike and distrust members of the AD Police, seeing them as corrupt and ineffectual.

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