J's Chimes: Single On V. Day...

Once again the much dreaded Valentine's Day has come once again to haunt all singles out there and making people like us emo for the next 14hrs (Time may differ from different countries...) So what the heck could you do to make this a pleasant day without worrying over something like this? Perhaps this 10 tips may help you...

1. Stay Home, Stay Home And Stay Home

Perhaps the most effective way of not getting all emo is to stay at home... Valentine's Day is definitely not a day for singles to be walking around crowded streets filled with loving, hugging couples. There is no temptation at home, only your own stuff to keep you from having crazy thoughts.

2. Play A Game, Surf The Internet, Watch Some Videos

Things like playing a game or just surfing the internet for your favourite stuff might keep you from thinking about Valentine's Day. Time flies when you do just that and you'd realize that there are some things better than V. Day... Spoil yourself and play for longer hours to keep yourself occupied...

3. Avoid The News Or Any Other Forms Of Media On This Day...

I for so am 100% sure that something in regards to Valentine's Day would be aired on tv or any other forms of media, whether it is the news or some advertisements. So do stay away from such for just a day and your thoughts will not go wild then.... Rent a video, or just watch YouTube for some other forms of entertainment.

4. Get Busy With Your Hobby

Whether it's watching an anime, fixing up your Gundam model or taking photographs of your anime models, do something you like and continue to indulge in your hobby so that your spirits are lightened. It's never a dull moment playing with your passion...

5. Pamper Yourself, Order Pizza And Do Some Self Maintenance

Pamper yourself for today. Order some expensive food to eat, go to a spa, enjoy yourself as much as you can so that you know you are worth it. Make yourself happy instead of sulking on this ordinary day.

6. Buying Something Expensive For Yourself

Been saving your money for a rainy season? This is the one so it's ok to spurge now and buy something expensive for yourself so that you'd be happy. Get that item you'd always dream of... Pre-order your favourite toys or accessories. So now you'd have something to think of instead of some day like today...

7. If You Have A Pet, Play With It...

Your pets will bring you bundles of joy on this very day because when you show affection to it, it loves you more in return. Perhaps one of the best substitute for the crave of love for the time being. What other living things could give you joy now that you are alone on this very day being single?

8. Clean Up Your Room, Learn A New Skill, Do Something New

A good day to do something new for a change. Learn to cook, clean the house or even do some DIY for your own home. Learning to do something new is fun and obtaining a new skill could help you in your future endeavors through life... You may never know when you gonna need them and could come in handy...

9.Count Sheeps, Take A Nap Or A Good Sleep...

The best way to get through this dreaded day? Sleep! Yup... Time flies real fast when ya sleep. Forget about this ordinary day. Dream something nice. Rest your body well to prepare yourself for the next day....

10. Tell Yourself It Only Lasts For 24 Hours And Nothing More...

What the heck... Let's get this over and done with... Valentine's Day only last for a day and nothing more. It's just an ordinary day, a day that only happens once a year. Ya still got another 364 more days to be happy so why not just ignore this day for once? Perhaps this might straighten you up and look forward to the coming days ahead instead of just this...
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